The Big Dynamite FFLs
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Records history
Check it out - records for every team from every year up to 2006. Yeah, Nate's been lazy in updating it.

Old helmet looking a bit shabby? Never bothered to pick one out? Team moved and your old helmet is just plain embarrassing? Fret not, fellow fantasy footballers! Now, you too can have your own helmet. Just swing by here or try Google!

Please note: This is a PRIVATE league, there are NO openings.

Welcome to the Big Dynamite Fantasy Football League (BDFFL) homepage, formerly the home of the FFLEM and AWFFL. The FFLEM ran from 1994 to 2006, with the AWFFL joining the rodeo in 1995 and running until 2006. The two leagues merged for the 2007 season.

BDFFL champs:
2021 - Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks (Scott O)
2020 - Vernon Hill Anarchists (Jon M) - Covid-19 shadow league
2019 - Provi Federal Hillbillies (Steve S)
2018 - Florin Brute Squad (Pat K)
2017 - Golden Gate Battlin' Mice (Matt A)
2016 - Falmouth Harriers (Todd D)
2015 - Florin Brute Squad (Pat K)
2014 - Provi Federal Hillbillies (Steve S)
2013 - East Bridgewater Fat Pandas (Mike B)
2012 - Vegas Crooked Zebras (Nick K)
2011 - Golden Gate Battlin' Mice (Matt A)
2010 - East Bridgewater Fat Pandas (Mike B)
2009 - Sterling Cooper Mad Men (Ken R)
2008 - Gaza Strippers (Ben T)
2007 - Beantown Biodieselers (Nate B)

Historic FFLEM champs:
2006 - Golden Gate Battlin' Mice (Matt A)
2005 - Littleton Leering Faces of Death (Brian D)
2004 - Weir Village Reasonable Men (Ken R)
2003 - Galway Gobshites (Mike B)
2002 - Galway Gobshites (Mike B)
2001 - Galway Gobshites (Mike B)
2000 - Galway Gobshites (Mike B)
1999 - Taunton Taun Tauns (Mike H)
1998 - C++ Deconstructors (Martin G)
1997 - Des Moines Paranoid Androids (Ken R)
1996 - Westport Villagers (Jim M)
1995 - New Bedford Scriveners (Nate B)
1994 - West Newbury Knights of Labor (Jon M)

Historic AWFFL champs:
2006 - Raynham Jockey Club (Jeff R)
2005 - Allston City Rockers (Chris M)
2004 - Taunton Cobra Kai (Mike B)
2003 - Sunnydale Slayers (Cassie H)
2002 - Shaolin FlyingSleeves (Mike B)
2001 - Texas Guntoters (Jeff M)
2000 - Boise Time Traps (Nate B)
1999 - Austin Roadkill (John W)
1998 - Dallas Burlers (Mark E)
1997 - Worcester Abrasives (Jon M)
1996 - Worcester Abrasives (Jon M)
1995 - Earth Phoenix (Steve C)

The BDFFL, and all related images and text on
this site are ©1997-2022. All rights reserved.

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